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Are you applying but not being chosen??

The following are some of the reasons:

You did not thoroughly read the job description.

Candidates may have relevant experience or qualifications, but the employer may be looking for a specific skill or a candidate in the specified location. Make sure to read the job description twice and see if your qualifications match. When you are certain, reread the job description and apply.

Your curriculum vitae is a flawed document.

When applying or sending your CV, make sure it is up to date, that the document opens, and that it is not corrupted. Sending online documents or those that require permission from the sender should be avoided. Make sure to properly name your CV as well

There is no information in the email you sent.

This is, in my opinion, one of the reasons for not being screened. When sending your CV, make an effort to introduce yourself briefly. Give a brief description of what you did and your areas of expertise. Make sure to be direct, and keep it to 5 to 6 lines, or one paragraph. Mentioning that when going through a reference is a good idea. At the end, please include your phone number. (This is extremely useful!)

Refusing to work with a recruiter/headhunter.

This is the last thing you want to do; recruiters/headhunters' job is to place you or find you a suitable position. Be courteous to them if they approach you. They came to you for a reason. Texting or emailing them every two weeks or ten days is the best way to get feedback or follow-up. Avoid contacting /calling them.

Good luck!